Troop Handbook
Welcome to Troop 16! The Troop 16 Committee, the Scoutmaster, and Assistant Scoutmasters want to provide each new Scout and his parents with this general guide concerning what is expected of them and what Scouting is about. We also want you to know what you may expect of the other Scouts, the adult leaders, and the Troop Committee. We ask that the parents and Scout read over this material and discuss it as it relates to your family and your expectations of Scouting. We strongly encourage you and your son to read this manual and keep it handy for reference when questions arise. If you ever have a question, criticism or concern regarding the way the operation of the Troop or what may be expected of you, please contact the Scoutmaster or the Troop Committee Chairman. We all sincerely want your experiences with Troop 16 to be fun and full of personal growth. Scouting provides a unique program of self-development that is not found anywhere else. Those who follow Scouting’s trail mature, become self-confident, discover life-long values, and have fun doing it. The
emphasis of the Boy Scout program is to promote and encourage boy leadership.
In support of this program, the Troop 16 adult leaders are present as
advisors, insuring safety and keeping the program oriented toward Scouting
ideals. Troop, patrol and patrol council meetings, camping trips and day trips
are run by boy leaders, not by the adults. But, boys are "boys," and
there may be many times when you will question, "Why are they so
disorganized?" "Why are the meetings so noisy and
unproductive?" and "Why don't the adults step in and do
something?" |
Summary Sheet |
Requirements |
Leader Organization |
Adult Leadership |
Scouting we believe that the best way to develop leadership is to let the boys
have as much freedom as possible; applying just
enough adult authority to keep them safely focused on the task at hand. As
long as they are sincerely trying to accomplish the duties of their positions
they are learning the rudiments of leadership.
policy is written in various official publications and is the final authority
for resolving questions of policy. The troop committee is the final authority
for implementing BSA policy in Troop 16. Proposed changes to Troop 16 policy
can be submitted to adult leaders, the Troop Committee Chairman or a committee
member for review at a troop committee meeting. Keep in mind, Scouting is a
family activity and we encourage all parents to be involved in their Scout's
development. Like anything else in life, you/your son, will get as much out of
Scouting as you/he put into it.
Boy Scouts of America does not operate units directly. Instead, it grants
charters to organizations, authorizing them to organize Scout troops as part
of their youth service program. Troop 16 is chartered by Elks’ Lodge No. 639
in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. It has been continuously chartered for over 50
years. Troop 16 is in the Shawnee District, Greater St. Louis Area Council of
the Boy Scouts of America. The local office of the Greater St. Louis Area
Council is at: 3000 Gordonville Road, Cape Girardeau, MO 63703, phone
Troop 16 Committee Chairman
16 is in the Shawnee District, Greater St. Louis Area Council.
Elks Lodge No. 639 of Cape Girardeau
Thursdays at the
KC Hall, Fr. Marquette Council (unless otherwise announced); 7 p.m. No
meeting when school
are held mid-August-May.
1st Thursday: PLC,
No regular troop meeting
2nd Thursday: 6:00
p.m. - Troop Committee meeting
7:00 p.m. - Regular meeting, Asst.
Scoutmaster’s meeting
3rd Thursday: 6:30
p.m. - Scoutmaster Conferences
7:00 p.m. - Regular Troop meeting
4th Thursday: 7:00
p.m. - Regular Troop meeting, Boards
of Review
Steve LeGrand - 334-0117
Chairman Dan Williams - 334-4405 (H),(W);
Dues - $5/month or $45/year
Camp - $125 or $115 if paid before May 1
Camp Scholarships are available, see the
Scout Handbook - $7.95 from the Scout shop,
3000 Gordonville Rd.
Fee - $31 per new Scout; $50 for those
already in Troop 16 as
profit on popcorn or pizzas by March 1
Campout Fee - $15 per Scout (or more,
depending on campout)
Class A: Scout
shirt with patches in correct locations;
blue jeans, Scout/olive
socks; Scout belt for all meetings and other
functions. Red neckerchief for formal events such as
Class B: Any Boy
Scout t-shirt; blue jeans or Scout
shorts with Scout socks.
supply permits. See the Troop Committee Chairman.
Monthly activity (trip) permission slips,
Forms medical advisory,
as required.
high adventure.
form for all drivers on campouts and other
Equipment Scout provides: sleeping
bag; sleeping mat; water-
proof footwear; personal
checklist for details); duffle bag or pack
16 provides: tents and ground cloths; cooking
stoves and equipment
Last updated September 28, 2005