
(Abbreviations & Acronyms in Scouting; Compiled and Edited in part by Ric Koval, Feb 1996)

The abbreviations we use in Scouting oftentimes confuse people and do not lead to the clarity of purpose. Also, it almost began to sound like technical jargon, designed to keep new people out rather than include and welcome them into the Brotherhood of Scouting. So, among other things, this list is provided to aid understanding of the language of Scouting. This list is NOT exhaustive; there are many other terms used for programs and offices and titles that are not included.

ACRONYM - Always Confused Regarding Official Names You Make-up - The Acronym for "Acronym".

APL - Assistant Patrol Leader - Youth second leader of a patrol. Appointed by the PL to help him and take his place in his absence. A member of the PLC which runs the troop. See Also: PL

ASM - Assistant Scoutmaster - A commissioned volunteer, 18 or older, appointed by the chartered organization, who helps the SM administer the troop program. The term SA is used on applications and other literature. See Also: SA

ASPL - Assistant Senior Patrol Leader - Appointed by the SPL with the SM's advice and consent, he helps to run the troop with the SPL and the PLC. See Also: SPL

BLT - Basic Leader Training (short for Adult Basic Leader Training). The first step in becoming a trained leader, involving a commitment of one weekend at Camp Lewallen.

BOR - Board of Review - A review held to determine if a Boy Scout has satisfactorily completed rank advancement requirements. May also be held as an incentive for Scouts not advancing. For first 5 ranks, BOR is held by the troop committee, for the Eagle Scout rank, the council decides whether district or council advancement committee is responsible. See Also: COH

B-P - Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth - Founder of the worldwide Scouting movement. Born in London, Feb. 22, 1857. Created a Baron in 1929. He is referred to as Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Chief Scout of the World. Died Jan. 8 1941.

Camporee - Derived from two words: camp and jamboree. A district of council troop activity to demonstrate techniques of living in camp. Involves a one- or two-night camping experience. May involve Scoutcraft competition.

CC - Committee Chair- The adult leader of the troop committee, may also be a member of the chartered organization. Provides the motivation and direction to the committee to get the Troop Program implemented, as decided by the PLC. Also, Pack committee chair - provides organization to pack committee to carry out pack program.

Chapter - An organization of National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) members in the local council. See Also: NESA

Class As - Full Boy Scout uniform, including Scout shirt with appropriate patches (tucked in); Scout belt; Scout shorts, pants, or blue jeans; and Scout socks. Special events may also require red neckerchief and merit badge sash.

Class Bs - Scout uniform that includes a Boy Scout t-shirt; Scout belt; Scout shorts, pants, or blue jeans; and Scout socks (with shorts).

CM - Campmaster - A volunteer Scouter trained to assist in short term camping. An adult is designated to plan and take this title for each Troop 16 campout

CO - Chartered Organization - A religious, civic, fraternal, educational, or other community-based organization that has applied for and received a charter to operate a BSA Scouting unit.

Coach - The commissioned volunteer Scouter, 21 or older, appointed to lead a Varsity Scout team. See Also: Varsity Scout

Commissioner - A volunteer Scouter who works with packs, troops, and teams to help the units succeed. In addition to council commissioner, there are district-, assistant district-, roundtable-, huddle-, program-,and unit commissioners.

Crackerbarrel - A gathering of Scouts and/or Scouters for friendship and fellowship with light snacks and refreshments.

Crew Chief - The elected youth leader of a Venture Crew. See Also: Venture

DE - District Executive - A professional Scouter who works under the direction of the Scout Executive and is responsible for the achievements of the district.

DAM - District Award of Merit - A recognition for Scouters who give noteworthy service to youth at the District/Exploring Division level.

DC - (1) District Chair - The volunteer chairperson of the district committee; (2) District Committee - A group of volunteer adults responsible for carrying out the council program within their district; (3) District Commissioner

Fast Start - A preliminary training session with three part video explaining Troop organization, Troop meeting and, The Outdoor Program. Usually 3-4 hours.

Gilwell - Gilwell Park - The training center of the British Scout Association and the original home site of Wood Badge Training. Located in Epping Forest, England.

Good Turn - Good Turn is a distinctive feature of Boy Scouting and its emphasis upon service to others, The Good Turn habit is one that all Scouts try to acquire.

Instructor - This youth leader helps other youth members with rank advancement; appointed by the SPL with the advice and consent of the SM. Also, any youth or adult who can teach or instruct others on parts of the Scouting program.

Jamboree - Jamboree - The term chosen by B-P to describe the first international gathering of Scouts camping together in London in 1920. The term is used to indicate a national or world gathering.

JASM - Junior Assistant Scoutmaster - Scouts, 16 or older, who help the SPL; appointed by the SPL with the advice and consent of the SM.

JLT - Junior Leader Training - A training course for junior leaders conducted by the council featuring Scoutcraft and leadership skills. May be up to a week long. Also refers to a Troop JLT conducted by the SM and SPL. A weekend devoted to building the leadership team and planning the troop program.

JLTC - Junior Leader Training Camp - a week-long JLT

KIS-MIF (Keep it simple- Make it fun.) - A guiding principle for planning Scouting activities

NESA - National Eagles Scout Association - This group provides an opportunity for all Eagle Scouts to retain identification with Scouting through service to the local council in which they live.

Philmont - Philmont Scout Ranch - The 136,000 acre Scout reservation near Cimaron, MN. Each year Philmont hosts Scouts and other groups participating in high-adventure hiking and treks. A rugged, outback experience usually lasting 11 days.

PL - Patrol Leader - Youth leader of a patrol consisting of between 5-8 other boys. As a member of the PLC he helps make the decisions that run the troop. He appoints his APL

PLC - Patrol Leaders Council - The youth leaders of a BSA troop. The PLC consists of the SPL, ASPL, PLs, APLs. They should be trained by the SM, through Troop JLT, to do the planning and running of the troop. See Also: JLT

Rechartering - Annual renewal of the charter for a troop, as well as the registration of Scouts and Adult Leaders.

SOAR - Save Our American Resources - A conservation program for Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Explorers that involves identifying environmental needs, acquiring the skills to meet those needs, and carrying out a meaningful project.

SM - Scoutmaster- Adult leader head of the troop. A commissioned volunteer, 21 or over, appointed by the chartered organization. Provides direction and training to the Scouts so they can run a troop more effectively. Works with the troop committee and the chartered organization representative to provide program opportunities and direction.

SPL - Senior Patrol Leader - Youth Leader of the troop. He is elected by the members of the troop and is the head of the PLC. He appoints his ASPL.

TC - (1) Troop Committee - A group of adult volunteers led by the CC to get the troop program implemented, as decided by the PLC. (2) Troop Commissioner

TG - Troop Guide - A youth leader who works with the new Scout patrol in the troop; appointed by the SM in consultation with the SA responsible for the new Scouts.

Totin’ Chip - a card a Scout receives when he demonstrates he can safely handle wood tools.

TRS - Troop Resource Survey - A survey of the talents, skills, and interests of adults who could provide program assistance to the troop.

Two-deep Leadership - having at least two adult leaders present at all times at a Scouting event.

UC - Unit Commissioner - A volunteer Scouter who works with packs, troops, and teams to help them succeed. Carries information and questions to and from the unit, to and from the local council

Venture - High adventure activities for a patrol (Venture Crew) of Boy Scouts, 13 and older in a troop.

Wood Badge - A training award granted upon completion of the Wood Badge course. A leather thong with two wooden beads, a special neckerchief, and a slide (woggle) are worn by those who have completed training and service items. Wood Badge teaches leadership and troop operation skills.

YPP - Youth Protection Plan - Guidelines and policies, in place, to help fight child abuse. This BSA Emphasis fights child abuse by teaching youth the "three R's": Recognize, Resist, and Report child abuse; by helping parents and Scouters learn to recognize indicators of child abuse; and by teaching them how to handle child abuse situations.

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Last updated August 20, 2004