Planners and Medical Responders PrepareEarthquake planning and preparation had just about come to a standstill. Then came Hurricane Katrina. Someone said Katrina will look like a Sunday School picnic if this thing called the "New Madrid Fault" in Missouri, goes off. Media over the next several months looked at the potential quake problem. Politicians said, "We need to do something." Emergency operations people started planning again what they would do. Daily visitors to this website, pre-Katrina, were 35 a day. Now, the weekday average is well over 200 new visitors daily. Youtube has videos about the prep. Amateur radio has updated ways to link computers in emergencies. Home retrofit - Is your house ready? A couple sites: site1 | site2. The second link says a quake retrofitted house will hold 1000% as well as a non-retrofitted house. USGS lists Paducah KY chances of serious ground shaking as greater than that of California. That has Paducah officials seeing red. See KY links, below.
BootheelOur region is ill-prepared for 'the big one' 2005 Most of the century-old brick buildings in Piggott, Ark., would topple... If the big one hit Southeast Missouri/Cape Girardeau
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Mississippi sunset |
Disaster officials pitted against development officials - as Arkansas legislature considers tightening earthquake construction standards - Jan 2008 Ark. Lawmakers reject increased quake safety construction standards - Feb 2008 |
West Tennessee Seismic Safety Commission - May 2007
"common sense" planning, like giving outside health care professionals emergency ok to work here when necessary
Experts speak
Video documentary - order DVD
Beaming damage assessment video from chopper to satellite
Ky Guard has new instant mobile air base - 123rd Contingency Response Group
CERI (Center for Earthquake Research & Information) - beginnings, post Iben, post Katrina.
Big Earthquake could devastate US Midwest - Nat Geographic 2006
CNN overview 2005 | Article 1986
Earthquake response
Branson Daily News - Oct 2007
The Missouri National Guard rehearsed in a state-wide exercise over the weekend as the first military responder to evaluate its ability ...
In our view: Earthquake preparation
Joplin Globe -
Members of the Missouri National Guard tested communications to make certain that they are prepared if a major earthquake occurs
Guardsmen train for quake response
Columbia Daily Tribune - Columbia,MO Oct 2007
The New Madrid fault is a network of deep cracks in the Earth's surface from southern Illinois to northeastern Arkansas. It produces hundreds of quakes a ...
Protecting our families - Jul 23 08
Whatcha gonna do while awaiting catastrophes? National catastrophe fund?
Yes, we'll pay the insurance premium - Jul 18 08
The Madison County Board (Edwardsville IL, NE of St. Louis) approved $400,000 to protect its properties from earthquakes for a year. The vote was 25-2, with one board member saying it was "throwing away money." The county has $157 million in buildings.
The Calloway County (Murray, Ky) fiscal court voted $27,000 to keep the county covered for earthquake insurance for a year on a county property evaluation of $15 million.
Warning, danger! - Jul 08
Computer catastrophe models were supposed to stabilize long-term insurance prices in catastrophe-prone areas. But environmentalist warnings have skewed the models and helped drive insurance premiums through the roof.
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