Those who won door
prizes at the banquet were:
$25.00 gift certificates from West Park Lanes:
NormaKester, Kendra Beussink, Trisha Quade
$15.00 gift certificates from Main Street Lanes:
Mary Wright, Thelma Lemonds
Flower arrangements: Renee Seabaugh, Jeanna Bergen,
Cathy Wright, Donna Schreiner, Yvonne Burlbaugh, Theresa Whitley,
Fara McDonald, William Cox, Bert Gwyn, Sharon Billman, Lisa Smiley, and
Patti Friga
Election of the President, Vice-President, and 9 Directors took
place at the annual meeting. They are Tracy Schreiner, President; Robby
Bailey, Vice President; and 9 Directors, Diana Brown, Yvonne
Burlbaugh, Fara McDonald, Trish Quade, Melissa Smith, Doris
Stubenrauch, Patty Tanksley, JoAnn WIlliams and Cathy Wright
A position of Association Secretary will be taking the place of the
current board's positon of secretary-treasurer.
This position will be selected or appointed by the new board. If
interested submit a resume to one of the board of directors.
The dues will increase to $15.00
effective start with the summer bowling seasons.
$10.00 will be for USBC national dues
and $5.00 for local association. At this time we will not be
paying state dues.
Our association tournament
will be held at Jackson Lanes during the 2006-2007 season. Most likely
we will be setting the dates for mid-February due to the Men's State
Tournament being hosted by our local men's association.
This resets our tournament
rotation to: